Work with Me
*Now offering In-Person Training at your home, park, or private studio*

Receive 1:1 guidance in your workouts to:
Build strength as a beginner to strength training, or expand on an already existing foundation of strength
Increase mobility and freedom of movement in the body
Increase stamina through gentle conditioning
Discover a movement practice you enjoy and crave
Push yourself at the right times while mostly having fun with movement
Rates start at $90/hour
Holistic Fitness & Lifestyle Coaching
Find freedom and joy in your relationship to...
Food & Body
❋You value intuition & nature in your life ~ You want to eat in a way that is more natural and intuitive. You want to shift dieting patterns towards those that are more self-trusting and self-connected. Rather than trying to change your body, you want to practice listening to and honoring it. ❋You value nourishment for your body, mind, and soul ~ You want to eat in a way that is deeply nourishing and satisfying for your whole being. You want to learn more about what makes food truly good for you, and you're willing to explore this beyond black-and-white answers. ❋You value freedom and self-love in your life ~ You want to shift challenging patterns of restriction, over-eating, binging, or shame around food and body; and you want to do so by expanding your capacity for self-compassion.
Movement & Exercise
❋You value mobility & play ~ You want to explore moving your body in a way that lets go of restriction and opens you to greater possibility of movement. You want to support the health and longevity of your body, while minimizing pain and optimizing for play. ❋You value strength & stamina ~ You want to strengthen your body to feel confident and capable as you navigate this physical world. Perhaps you reach to your physical strength and stamina as a reminder of what you’re capable of when life gets tough. ❋You value rest & self-care ~ You know that the not-doing is just as important as all the doing. You want to balance your physical efforts with rest periods and practices that support your body’s natural processes and deepen your capacity.
Self & the Moment
❋You value clear-seeing & love ~ You want to get to know yourself in a more whole and honest way, so that you can work with yourself (I call it, "being on your own team"). You want to relate to yourself (and life) with more openness, understanding, forgiveness, realness and creativity. ❋You value sincerity & heart ~ You want to discover personal daily practices for deepening your awareness and cultivating more heart to bring into your lived experience. ❋You value connection & truth ~ You want to explore who or what you really are. You want to deepen your capacity to embody this truth, staying connected to life, while holding space for whatever arises.

How it Works
Work with me is tailored to your individual needs and desires on your fitness path, and it will take shape through our collaboration.
Perhaps we meet for a one-off session to help you pivot into new possibility or with on-going weekly support through a period of growth.
Live Sessions are virtual and held over Zoom. If you are in the Philadelphia area ~ I would love to meet you in person.
Sessions are highly engaged, 45-60-minute sessions, tailored to bring forth new insight and understanding, to help you find clarity and encourage new action.
We might engage in conversation, exercises, goal-setting, meditative inquiry, parts work, or maybe we eat a meal together. Whatever will help us embody truth and change together.

A Whole-Person Approach
To truly change our daily habits we often have to encounter ourselves. Where did these current patterns come from, anyway? How am I talking myself through the many daily wins and mishaps? My work addresses the many layers of behavior change–the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual–to help facilitate true transformation. When we practice working with ourselves from this holistic lens, change can begin to feel more like the natural way. :)
My approach can often feel therapeutic, releasing mental, physical or emotional restriction, bringing you into new freedoms and potential. It can be supportive to other work you have done with a therapist, medicines, or other healing modalities.
I love working with the daily little things. This is where we can integrate life’s most mind- and heart-opening experiences in order to make magic out of the mundane and harvest beauty in the everyday.
Where do you want to start?
❋Daily Life Things (lifestyle habits / self care) ~ 1:1 in-person or virtual sessions
❋Meditation & Mindfulness ~ 1:1 in-person or virtual sessions
❋Movement Practice / Fitness Coaching - develop your own movement practice with my ongoing weekly support. I will send you personalized workouts or movement practices through an easy-to-use mobile app. Upload your own videos for my coaching feedback.

Let's Dive Deep Together
Many of us go our whole lives without ever discovering our own depth. Maybe it's because we don't know to look for it, or we don't know where to find it. We swim in the waters of the culture we live in... which will inevitably keep us quite shallow.
It really is a solo journey to dive into yourself. To discover your own soul song. If we're reliant on the culture to show us... we'll only find mirages of our own authenticity.
The good new is, we don't need to go at this solo journey totally alone. We're surrounded by pointers and guides, both present and past, that can light the way. When we begin looking we find many, many voices pointing us back home...
I hope to be one such guide for you, to show you around a bit, and to help you explore the depths confidently on your own. It is, after all, in our own where we will truly discover what we're looking for...
Let it be Playful

Let it be Joyful