What actually is rest?
Because we can surely stop doing things on the outside and not feel like we’re resting
Maybe our body has stopped but our mind is going going going
Or we’re scrolling scrolling scrolling
Or streaming streaming streaming
You get the point
Sometimes even when we try to rest, it’s hard to deeply rest.
I like to think of true rest as rest that leaves me feeling restored, rejuvenated, renewed in some way. Even if small.
True rest doesn't have to be long.
It just wants to be deep.
I can feel restored in 5 minutes or 5 breaths.
If in these moments there is a deep letting go in the body, a letting go of heaviness, and a letting in of new energy
Deep within us is a well.
A well in which we can touch in, and restore.
When we’re busy in the life things, we’re giving of ourselves.
We’re giving from our well stores.
We’re in the doing of life.
Which is a beautiful thing.
We are here to do. To make, to create, to give.
Yet, we are first just here.
Here to be.
We are here being.
And from here, we can do.
But many of us are so disconnected from our essential being,
That we get stuck in the doing
We don’t know how to truly stop.
And be.
To touch into the well
And rest.
No one ever taught us
Our culture didn’t show us.
And so we feel stuck in this subtle forward momentum of doing
We may feel a restlessness, an anxiety, a drain.
And that is totally
Of course we would feel that way if disconnected from our home base.
Perhaps we’re actually searching for this place to rest.
The closer we get the more anxious we may feel, as if the vibrating of our cells is signaling close proximity to something important.
And what if I told you that there is a place right here within you to
let it all
There is a place within you below all the doing
And you can feel into it intuitively
It's a deep relaxation
An Okayness
In your being
You’ve touched into it many a times before ~
Awestruck by a beautiful sunset
Gazing into the eyes of a lover as you fall in love
The first moments sinking into a cozy hot tub
Watching your children run and play and laugh…
These moments when life feels totally ok
Whatever the circumstances,
They simply evoked this place within you that is always and already Ok, and at rest
And now the key to bringing this into our experience more and more
I’ve found,
Is meditation.
And stay with me,
Meditation can mean many different things.
In this moment I want you to think of meditation as the practice of making space for all of the content of experience to be exactly as it
The thoughts, stories, sensations
Noticing noticing
And making space ~
"Yes this is here
This belongs
My reaction to it
That too
That belongs."
In this practice of including
I am noticing all that I don’t actually have to identify with
or become fixated on
Every time I can release my internal grip on a thought, a belief, a sensation by noticing
I am relaxing into being.
Our beingness is below all of the coming and going
So when we can make space for our comings and goings
To come and go
We are reconnecting
To this vaster field of ourselves which holds it all.
And it's in that opening when we experience True Rest
No longer griping at life
But opening ourselves to it
To the flow of life
We sink down into our being and touch the well
Which can restore us even if for a moment.